Investing In Your Employees

Last year we shared a similar article. Due to the interest, we decided to update our thoughts and bring it back. This past year, companies were faced with a whole new set of challenges when it came to building and maintaining their workforce. This manifested itself in many ways. Either employers didn’t have enough employees, or they didn’t have the right employees, or they lost employees. If this sounds familiar to you, here are a few ideas that may help you win the battle for talent in 2022.

Give Employees a Sense of Purpose

It is often hard for a company to explain its purpose to its customers and employees beyond what they sell or what service they provide. But in today’s world, customers and employees want to know your why before they invest their time, money, or future in your business. Having a purpose tells people why you do what you do and that is something that people can get behind and stay behind. For example, Apple’s vision isn’t to manufacture and sell more products than anyone else. Apple’s CEO Tim Cook said, “We believe that we are on the face of the Earth to make great products, and that’s not changing. We are here to make the best products on Earth and to leave the world better than we found it.”

Offer Programs That Better Your Employees

Just like last year, 2022 will be the year of more. Employees expect more from an employer when it comes to compensation. And for employees, compensation comes in many shapes and sizes. While we think of compensation as salary, bonuses, and health insurance. Employees are thinking flexibility. Employees want more flexible work schedules, including work-from-home options. They also want more flexible benefits options such as college loan repayment programs and voluntary insurance such as accident, critical illness, and short-term disability offerings.

Communicate What You Have to Offer

You can learn a lot about a company from exit interviews. But that’s often too late. One of the biggest reasons employees leave a company is poor communication. This can come in many forms and fashions. For example, employees often miss the values and purpose of why they’re doing what they are doing. Not because an employer doesn’t have one, but it’s not shared with employees. If you don’t know, you don’t know. Another example of communication breakdown we hear all the time is regarding benefits. Often employers build a strong benefit program but miss the chance to communicate the offering properly during new hire or open enrollments. The employees never truly understand what is offered and how it benefits them. So, they either don’t truly know what’s being offered by their employer and the don’t see the value of the benefits being offered.

So, What Now?

Share your purpose and if you’re not sure what it is, work on it and include your employees in the process. You will be happier for it. Offer the flexibility today’s workforce is looking for and win the war on talent. Communicate, communicate communicate! You’ve already done all the hard work, don’t miss the chance to share it with your teams. And if you think you need help, partner with a team that can help. Premier Worksite Solutions, LLC offers enrollment solutions that can help you design, communicate, enroll, and manage your employee benefit programs by partnering with your broker, we can help accelerate the value you bring to your employees. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help.