4 Criteria to Look for When Choosing a BenAdmin Partner


Finding the right BenAdmin partner can be a challenge because this relatively new service already has several capable companies for you to choose from. This means that having the tools and techniques necessary to choose between qualified partners can save you a lot of time and money.

Efficient Technology

The more efficient the benefits administration software is for your employees to use, the easier it will be for your enrollment period to be streamlined. The right software can help employees pull up enrollment information whenever and wherever they need answers to questions or to review the information.

Actionable Insights

You will want your BenAdmin partner and the technology this partner uses to be able to help you find actionable insights on which plans to offer your employees, which plans are not being used and which ones are the most popular. This can help you offer better benefits to your employees each year and increase your retention rates.

Compliance Landscape

If your benefits administration partner is keeping abreast of changes in the compliance landscape, whether on a state or federal level, then you can have warned of any potential issues and make changes before your company gets in trouble. Most benefits administration firms will proudly put on their website that they monitor compliance and applicable regulations

Easy Communication

Being able to easily communicate the details of different benefit plans to your employees, and having their questions and concerns addressed, can keep compliance high and provide overall satisfaction with the process. This means that having year-round education about benefits packages, or the availability of accessing information digitally can go a long way to improving the enrollment process as well as improving company morale.

Finding a BenAdmin partner can be easier than you think if you look for efficient technology, actionable insights, and easy communication. A good comprehensive compliance landscape is also necessary so that you can be sure that your company is keeping up with changing legislation considering employee benefits.